Category: Politics

Failure to formally acknowledge the unique ethnic identity of Indigenous and African descendants of colonialism and enslavement in the United States has evolved into "an ambiguity of their existence and mythological caricature of their experience," says United Nations NGO, United States Sustainable Development Corp.

The model recommended by the United States Sustainable Development Corp would resemble the 1963 brainchild of US President John F. Kennedy to build infrastructure, recruit industry, develop industry sectors, build a skilled labor force and leverage private sector investment.

President/CEO of United Nations NGO with a passion for justice takes long-standing role of convener, to the global stage to connect politically isolated populations of war, colonialism and enslavement to one another and provide space for them voice to their shared plight.

Group seeks to unravel the historical complexities of Indigenous and African people using the United States as a case study by dissecting the framework of colonialism, enslavement and the creation of race at a Parallel Event of the 60th Session of United Nation Commission on the Status of Women.